Wednesday, January 12, 2005

An Environmental Disaster You Will Never Hear About

The modern environmental movement shares one thing in common with Saddam Hussein and his ilk: A totalitarian mindset that puts the ends above all else. They do not talk about the environmental destruction caused by the totalitarian governments around the world because they hate freedom more than they could ever hate a form of goernment they someday wish to emulate in so many ways, i.e. the amount of control they have over their people. As C.S. Lewis said in God in the Dock, "Useful and necessity have always been the tryants plea." Form the recent Harvard Crimson (which itself is probably shocking to some of you):

Saddam Hussein drained the Mesopotamian marshes in the 1990s, turning 95 percent of wetlands the size of Massachusetts to desert. At a Boston rally staged by people opposed to the then-looming invasion of Iraq, a small group of otherwise-minded citizens held aloft a sign that read, "Invade Iraq! Save the Garden of Eden." Go to this link for the full article:


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