Sunday, February 06, 2011

Black History Month Celebrated as the Black Family Lies in Ruins

The liberal columnist for the Washington Post points out (correctly) the state of dysfunction the black family in America now finds itself in. More babies are aborted than born to black women while black high school drop out rates and illiteracy rates, black murder rates, and every other pathology imaginable is off the charts and something that the Klan couldn't have dreamed up.

What's the answer? Another "Great Society" program? Another "Civil Rights" act passed by congress? More money sent to the government-industrial school complex? A higher minimum wage that has resulted in 40% unemployment among black teenagers? How about just more government to take the place of the black male in the house as that has worked out so well these past 40 years? Our current black President has spent more than $2 trillion dollars since coming into office and how is that working out for black America?

At some point this insanity and swath of destruction might get so bad that the black community will reconsider its mindless support for a Democrat Party that has led it to this Garden of Eden.



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