Monday, February 21, 2005

God and Man at Yale, Part II

University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill and Harvard president Lawrence Summers have recently served to illustrate the absurd conditions that prevail in the university. Churchill is the tenured professor of "ethnic studies" producing bogus scholarship and anti-American vitriol in roughly equal measure. He appears to have qualified for his post on the basis of a claim to Indian lineage that turns out to have been of the cigar-store variety. In the meantime, Churchill has become a campus celebrity who speaks before enthusiastic student audiences. Academic bystanders refrain from passing judgment, instead waving the banner of academic freedom. For the full story go to

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ethics Taught in College? Not if "Multi-Culturalists" Have Their Way

Stanford University is changing its undergraduate requirements -- increasing the chances that students will take a course focused on ethics. The revisions are controversial, and not because any professors are opposed to ethics. Rather, some of them fear that the shift will make it possible for students to graduate without taking a course focused on diversity. For the full story: