Sunday, April 24, 2005

Elian thanks U.S at rally in Cuba

One can hardly even begin to address the depravity of both this situaiton and the reporting of it. Who does this reporter think wrote this "speech"? In the long list of reasons why any morally sane person could never be a Democrat, this is right up there: A Democrat President ordered armed federal agents into this boy's house in Florida and sent him back to a communist prison where he could be used for this type of propaganda. The present day Democrat Party deserves all of the powerlessness it now enjoys. The money line from this "story":

"Elian Gonzalez made his public speaking debut at a political rally late Friday night, thanking the American people for supporting his reunion with his father five years ago and making his “dream of being a free child come true.” Standing on a stage in his red and white school uniform, the 11-year-old former castaway faltered at times as he read a prepared speech recalling the day U.S. federal agents seized him from the home of his Miami relatives and turned him over to his father, Juan Miguel Gonzalez."


Monday, April 04, 2005

John Paul the Great

"It was Stalin who gave us the most famous formulation of that cynical (and today quite fashionable) philosophy known as "realism" -- the idea that all that ultimately matters in the relations among nations is power: "The pope? How many divisions does he have?"

Stalin could have said that only because he never met John Paul II. We have just lost the man whose life was the ultimate refutation of "realism." Within 10 years of his elevation to the papacy, John Paul II had given his answer to Stalin and to the ages: More than you have. More than you can imagine. "
For the full story go to: